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- Exclusive Funds | Nedbank Private Wealth
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- Exclusive Funds | Nedbank Private Wealth
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Giving the gift of financial peace of mind
Giving the gift of financial peace of mind
Staff writer
2 mins
In the festive season, know your loved ones are looked after if anything happens to you.
We can give you all the expertise, advice and support you need to achieve this peace of mind.
Our wealth managers and fiduciary specialists (who are experts at estate and wealth planning) focus on understanding your specific needs, goals and aspirations to help you plan and structure your assets in a way that optimises your wealth for you, your loved ones and your legacy.
What are your needs and wishes for your future wealth?
It helps to stand back and think about what your ideal situation would be if something were to happen to you. Think about the following:
- How would you continue to pay your bills if you were incapacitated?
- Who would take care of your loved ones if you were in an accident or passed away – will your dependents have immediate access to funding?
Jot these down and set up time to chat to your Nedbank Wealth Manager.
What are the things that you may or may not yet have considered?
1. How would you like your assets to be transferred to your loved ones?
We take a client-centric approach that goes beyond your current wealth. Our approach to estate planning is about understanding your specific needs and tailoring solutions to optimise your wealth.
We understand that our clients want and wish for different things, so we make sure to consider your specific wishes or preferences. With our team of experts, we work closely with you to craft a personalised plan that not only meets your needs during your lifetime, but also ensures a seamless transition of assets to your beneficiaries after your passing.
2. What is an ideal structure for your wealth, and what advice and tools do we provide?
We want to be a partner on your financial journey. We want to help you plan for each stage of your life, as well as your assets and wealth. Optimising your estate involves a range of tools and options, and our experts can help you make informed decisions. It's advisable to decide on an optimal structure early to minimise costs and prepare for the unexpected.
Our estate planning experts assess your specific needs, the tax consequences and legislative considerations that are linked to your wealth, and potential structures and the method and implications of transferring assets to such structures. Wills, trusts, investment products, loans and donations are all estate planning tools that can be considered. In certain circumstances, trusts can lay a solid foundation for your wealth. Our experts will help you determine whether a trust is the best fit for you, considering factors like corporate trusteeship, costs and tax implications.
Our fiduciary specialists provide advice to ensure the efficient distribution of assets to your beneficiaries, protection of minor beneficiaries and dependants, managing liquidity needs, planning for costs and tax on your estate, i.e help you understand the costs of dying, and offer flexibility for future changes. We also offer specific advice on how to optimally structure your wealth, both domestically and internationally.
3. Peace of mind through thoughtful Will creation.
Your Will becomes your voice when you no longer have one. It is therefore important to have a properly drafted Will that ensures the right people benefit from your wealth the way you intended, and that your wishes can be implemented. We can help you draft a Will and ensure that the executor handles your estate effectively.
Our experts proactively track legislative changes and suggest necessary updates to keep your Will current and aligned with your wishes.
We are here to help, but if you wish to learn more, you can.
If you're eager to delve deeper into structuring your wealth and planning your estate, have a look at the asset ownership and estate planning guides on our website. These resources offer valuable insights to empower you on your journey toward financial security and leaving a legacy that stands the test of time.
Make Nedbank Private Wealth your trusted partner to help you structure, build and preserve your wealth, and leave the legacy you desire.
If you would like to read more about structuring your assets and planning your estate, please go to our website for guides about asset ownership and estate planning.
Want to achieve the peace of mind you deserve and leave a legacy? Here’s what to do:
- Contact your wealth manager.
- If you’re not a client yet and want to find out more about how we can help you, we would love to hear from you. Please contact us on 0800 111 263 or complete an online contact form.
- Find out more about our fiduciary offering.
This information is for general information purposes only and is not legal advice.