Expert advice for the success of your family business


Watch this Nedbank webinar below, in which a panel of experts share insights about sustained business success and generational legacy. Respected South African businesswoman Connie Ferguson discusses her entrepreneurial journey, challenges and strategies over the past 3 decades. Joining Connie are Tracy Muller, Head of Advice and Philanthropy at Nedbank Private Wealth, and Zanele Jafta, Head of Digital Advisory Services at Nedbank Private Wealth. They share vital insights on proper financial planning for your business and personal goals. 


Connie Ferguson on common setbacks, strategies and business continuity

Our recent webinar brought together a panel of experts to share insights about sustained business success and generational legacy. During the discussion, we also focused on Connie’s entrepreneurial journey, challenges, and strategies of over three decades.


The entrepreneurial pivot: From day-to-day operations to long-term financial success


Connie shares her personal entrepreneurship narrative. She admits that during her early career as an actor, the focus on day-to-day finances rather than long-term wealth planning created challenges for her when she transitioned into business ownership.

‘I started as a performer – working to live from hand to mouth,’ she says, ‘and like so many other entrepreneurs, I thought the transition to a fully-fledged business owner was a simple shift in focus. But my failure to educate myself sufficiently, especially about financial matters, slowed my initial business progress.’

She uses her business journey to illustrate the importance of entrepreneurs critically re-evaluating their relationship with financial planning. ‘Very few new business owners have an adequate grasp of financial matters,’ she says, ‘and that makes it difficult for them to see the importance of effective financial planning, especially when they are so caught up in the day-to-day stress of business operations.’


The family business blueprint


Managing a family business means more than just looking after the bottom line. It's about nurturing a legacy that can support your family for generations. As we have discussed in another webinar below, unique challenges accompany family-owned businesses.


Family businesses – how to sustain, improve and giveback

While family businesses are major contributors to the South African economy, only a few remain feasible after the first generation.


Below are some of the key ways in which we can help you achieve your definition of success for your business and personal life.


Understanding the entrepreneurial journey and family businesses


Every family business has its own story, woven from dreams, hard work and a vision for the future. Our webinar emphasises the importance of acknowledging this unique narrative when planning the future of your business. It’s not just about the financials, it’s about the people, passion and purpose that drive your business forward.


Guiding your journey


1.    Partnership beyond advice

Managing a family business can feel like a tightrope walk, balancing tradition with innovation. That’s where we come in. Nedbank Private Wealth isn’t just another adviser – we’re your partner, helping you navigate the complexities of legacy planning, financial management and everything in between. We make sure that your family values are always at the forefront of our strategy.


2.    Philanthropy as a legacy tool

For many, a successful family business is also a platform for making a positive impact. Integrating philanthropy into your wealth strategy isn't just about giving back – it’s about embedding your family’s values into the very fabric of your legacy. Our approach ensures that your philanthropic goals are met with the same commitment as your financial objectives.


3.    Securing the future

Our webinar highlights the critical elements of securing your family business’s future, from estate planning to key person insurance. At Nedbank Private Wealth, we cover all the bases, ensuring that your legacy is protected and primed for growth, ready to support your family for many years to come.


4.    Your legacy is our commitment

At Nedbank Private Wealth, we understand that your family business is more than just an enterprise. It’s a legacy that embodies your family’s past, present and future. We invite you to watch the webinar to gain these insights first-hand and learn how our tailored approach can help your family business thrive through generations.

Empower your family business with expert insights on how Nedbank Private Wealth can help you build a legacy that lasts.


Want to know more?


Here’s what to do:

  • Contact your wealth manager.

  • If you’re not a client yet and want to find out more about how we can help you, we would love to hear from you. You can contact us on 0800 111 263 or complete an online contact form.